Our projects

Fighting Hunger Long After Eid: Extending the Generosity of Sacrifice to Sustain Vulnerable Children

Is it right that children are dying from hunger?

As we fulfil our sacrifice, celebrate Eid al-Adha with our families and return to our daily routines, let us not forget those children whose hunger will remain.

Devastating levels of poverty have left parents struggling with the heart-breaking choice of which child to feed and which to go hungry, a harsh reality faced by too many families.

Let us embody the spirit of Eid al-Adha all year round, because together, we can fight hunger and bring an end to this suffering.

Quick donation

  • £13 Provides 26 Meals to Children
  • £75 Provides 150 Meals to Children
  • £150 Provides 300 Meals to Children
  • £1000 Provides 2,000 Meals to Children
Meals After Eid

Every day, there are millions of children around the world who face the pains of hunger, which hampers their ability to grow, learn and dream.

Through your Zakat and Sadaqah, you do more than just feed these children; you’ll be fighting hunger all year round, giving hope to those who need it most.

The solution

As the sole breadwinner for her family, Naeema, a 15-year-old girl from Ethiopia, carries a weight no child should have to bear. 

After the passing of both her parents, Naeema is responsible for managing her home, caring for her disabled brother and selling wood from a jungle to feed herself and her family.  

Then, something wonderful happened. Naeema started getting regular, nourishing school meals. Now, Naeema and her siblings can go to school, learn and dream about their future.  

Extend your kindness to children facing hunger after Eid.